Build With Celo ReFi Hackathon '22

1361 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1361 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission Phase
starts on:
Aug 26, 2022, 07:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Sep 27, 2022, 07:00 PM UTC (UTC)
Hackathon Phase
starts on:
Sep 27, 2022, 07:01 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 15, 2022, 07:59 AM UTC (UTC)


  1. Do I need to pay to register for the hackathon? No, registration for the “Build with Celo Hackathon” is free on HackerEarth.

  2. Do I need to have specific qualifications to participate in the hackathon? If you love to code, you are welcome to participate.

  3. How do I submit what I have made for the hackathon? You must submit a video recorded pitch no longer than 3 minutes in length. In the of the project, you must include a link to your project’s GitHub repo that includes project source code, all necessary graphics, or assets, and instructions to run the application.

  4. Do I need to have my entire idea fully operational? The idea need not be fully implemented; however, the submission should be functional so that it can be reviewed by the judges.

  5. What is the recommended development environment? We recommend utilizing opensource tooling that aligns well with the language support you need to develop your project. A popular and free IDE is Visual Studio Code.

  6. Can I bring in an existing application that was previously built for another hackathon? No, you must develop the entire dapp, web app, or mobile application during the duration of the hackathon. 

  7. Does the project repository and developer activity within Github need to be public? Yes, your commits to the project should be made to a public opensource GitHub project repository. 

  8. Where do we go to access the Github repo for the hackathon? 

  9. Is developer activity is required for this hackathon? During the hackathon we require 3x commits from developers on a project each week during the event.

  10. Why is there a minimum activity for Github commits for this hackathon? The developer relations team utilizes developer metrics to secure support to put on unique events like this one. By requiring commits in the project repository, we can showcase our community's talent and provide better support for future initiatives.

  11. Does one have to be online and available for the duration of the Hackathon? No. You do not need to be logged into HackerEarth or be online for the entire duration. You should submit commits to a public GitHub repository periodically as it will be required at time of project submission.

  12. Since no specific technology is mentioned, are there any restrictions on using number of pre-built libraries? There are no usage restrictions regarding language, technology stack, or libraries. You can use any of them to create your web/mobile application as long as they are not deprecated.

  13. Do I need to give a demo of the product that I have built? You must submit a small recorded presentation or video that demonstrates your submission; however, it's not mandatory. If you are judged a winner, you may be invited to demo your application at a live event (details of that event will be shared with sufficient advance notice.)

  14. A fully developed application may require a backend for data storage like SQL, etc. Since it’s online, is it acceptable to show only the application prototype? Yes, you can submit just the prototype, but it must interact with Celo testnet or mainnet. If you use any database, such as MySQL or PostgresSQL, you must submit a database dump with your submission. If you provide a database, then there should be sufficient steps taken to automate the configuration of your application database. It may make sense to instead use browser cache to simplify configuration steps and increase the likelihood that your project can be run by the technical review team and judges.

  15. Will all team members have access to work on the project at the same time? Yes, all team members can login and work simultaneously on HackerEarth & Github platfroms.

  16. Who owns the IP (Intellectual Property) rights to the product I build during the hackathon? The developer(s) of the smart contract/dapp/web/mobile application own all rights. Your project code must be open sourced and accessible for evaluation by judges. Further refinements made up until the Pitch event is recommended.

  17. Any other tips for participants? Yes, the Celo Developer Relations team recommends contributuing frequently to your projects. Developer activity will be a factor in judging.

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